About Us
are designers, engineers, venture capitalists, and technologists
undertaking ventures that improve Energy Returned on Invested (EROI) in
the fields of agriculture, education, transportation, and energy
Life is only sustainable when its activities produce greater energy
returns than the energy they consume, i.e., when the EROI>1. Modern
human activity, on the other hand is able to afford EROI<<1
because of fossil fuel use, and is guided largely by heuristics and
subject matter experts. Our diet, clothing, housing, or organizational
structure are obvious examples. We therefore seek to replace the
arguments to authority that guide most human activity with methods that
are designed to increase EROI and make human society more sustainable.
We aim to enable progress in all aspects of the human experience viz.
from basic biological sustenance, knowledge gathering, education,
healthcare, ecological improvement, transportation, and security by
providing higher EROI solutions. We can also provide a high impact team
for investors or organizations looking to quickly reduce overhead and
raise product or service performance